Pastor Yemisi Kudehinbu: Highlights – IPPC 2017 Day 5

During the morning session of Day 5 of IPPC, the immediate past CEO, Esteemed Pastor Pastor Yemisi Loveworld Yemisi Kudehinbu blessed the delegates with a powerful message on three important virtues. The partners should always remember as they conduct their businesses to ensure consistent profit for the furtherance of the gospel.

Expounding further church on the message, she gave 3 important virtues which are:




    • Diligence



    • Integrity



    • Speed



She deeply reminded the delegates that success is not a mystery but the right application of knowledge and wisdom and that partners are more qualified for success. Citing several examples of missed opportunities that some partners overlook, she said “Sometimes pastor yemisi kudehinbu some Christians neglect those glaring things they ought to do and resort to praying and fasting”. She used the story of the damsel that ran away from Peter whom they were praying for when he showed up to drive home her point.

She noted that sometimes, the answers we are looking for are in front of us. “We should not be praying and fasting for things we can deal with common sense. Why not fix an obvious problem with your product or service instead of praying and fasting? Solve the obvious problem, be excellent and then pray for more open doors and opportunities”.

She defined diligence as the consciousness of paying the right attention to a task or endeavour, giving it the degree of care that’s required. She noted the areas to exhibit diligence to include:

Discipleship – Following people up until they become like us in applying the word of God. Diligence in fulfilling your purpose. Diligence in handling the business of others.

The second important virtue as noted by Pastor Yemisi is Integrity which she defined as being honest and having strong moral principles. Proverbs 11:3; Proverbs 19:1. “Be a person of your word. When you make a pledge, all grace will abound towards you to bring it to pass. Fulfil your pledges. Do things at the highest level of your faith. Get to a point where you shouldn’t be able to walk away from what you say. God will divinely supply all requirements. Your integrity will push you to do what you say. Be careful to say what you will do. Be a person of your word”.

The final virtue is Speed (Timeliness). Pastor Yemisi stated that anything that is open-ended hardly get done. She reminded delegates that Moses said “teach us to number our days”. One of the things pray that destroy dreams and organization is delay and procrastination. Deliver speedily. When you are timely, you will get more businesses. The kingdom business requires urgency.

God Bless!

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